Managing team tasks in a team can be a challenging task. Most of the time you forget that task that people assign to you and the task that you assign to others.
Email communication cannot be the right tool for this as we all get bombarded with tons of emails on a daily basis.
We at Geedesk faced a similar situation. The available tools in the market were less of task management and more of project management.
We did not want to manage any projects. We wanted to have a simple task management tool that we could use to create tasks for ourselves and also assign tasks to our team members.
Failing to find the right tool we decided to build our own task management tool and named it TeamTasks.
We use it on a daily basis for the past 10 months and our productivity has increased by close to 40%.
We as a team do not forget any task and are able to also follow up on the tasks that we assign to our team members.
We understand that all every organisation can build their own task management tool, so we are releasing TeamTasks free of cost to the whole wide world.
You do not have to be our customer to use TeamTasks. To create your own account you can click on signup.
Please note this is a tool that we use internally and are offering it free of cost so that it helps as many businesses as possible. It is not covered by any warranty and support agreement.